WordPress Markdown with Jetpack plugin
It is much easier to control the documentation content structure and its format when using Markdown syntax.
Here are the steps on how to enable it in a WordPress blog and a cheatsheet on its usage.
Jetpack plugin installation
- Install and activate this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/
Enabling Markdown syntax during composing
- Navigate to: Jetpack -> Settings -> Writing -> Compositing
- Enable option: Write posts or pages in plain-text Markdown syntax
Enabling Markdown syntax in comments
- Navigate to: Jetpack -> Settings -> Discussion -> Comments
- Enable option: Enable Markdown use for comments
Disabling visual editor
Visual editor becomes useless and if used by an accident it may corrupt content written using Markdown syntax, so it's better to turn it off:
- Navigate to: Users -> Your Profile -> Personal Options
- Enable option: Disable the visual editor when writing
Markdown cheatsheet
See markdown cheatsheet.