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"git" command examples


Remote branches:

git remote show origin

All remote branches:

git ls-remote origin

Commit history using one line format:

git log -3 --pretty=oneline

48936b6c818df7335a2c879ec74c0d7f7ec443b1 (HEAD -> feature/JIRATASK-9, origin/feature/JIRATASK-9) JIRATASK-9 UI refactoring
59f206103dd2f4895bb13f54c35846ab8d3ce4f8 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) JIRATASK-4 Server side changes
9c4b9859f5a84af0ad92dd62f93a8947aa8cb37e JIRATASK-1 Initial commit

Commit history using one line format without branches information:

git log -3 --pretty=oneline --no-decorate

48936b6c818df7335a2c879ec74c0d7f7ec443b1 JIRATASK-9 UI refactoring
59f206103dd2f4895bb13f54c35846ab8d3ce4f8 JIRATASK-4 Server side changes
9c4b9859f5a84af0ad92dd62f93a8947aa8cb37e JIRATASK-1 Initial commit

Commit history using custom format:

git log -3 --pretty=format:"%h %ci /%ae/ (%p) : %s" | sed -E "s|/(.*)@.*/|/\1/|"

48936b6 2018-04-10 19:17:30 +0300 /john.smith/ (59f2061) : JIRATASK-9 UI refactoring
59f2061 2018-04-09 18:58:30 +0300 /ivan.ivanov/ (9c4b985) : JIRATASK-4 Server side changes
9c4b985 2018-04-09 14:20:21 +0300 /john.smith/ (g9c030a) : JIRATASK-1 Initial commit

Find changed modules in local non-pushed commits:

git cherry -v |
    awk 'NR == 1 {print $2 "^"} END {print $2}' |
    xargs | sed "s/ /../" |
    xargs git diff --name-only |
    awk -F "/" '{print $1}' |
    sort -u


Create bare repository:

git init --bare sandbox.git

Clone and checkout a specific branch:

git clone -b remoteBranch git@git:myproject

Fetch remote branches:

git fetch

Fetch remote branches and checkout remote branch to local branch with the same name:

git fetch
git checkout remote-branch-name

Fetch and checkout specific remote branch to local branch with a different name:

git fetch origin pull-requests/11/from:localBranchName
git checkout localBranchName

Pull updates with rebase before push:

git fetch && git pull --rebase

Pull updates with rebase from master branch before push:

git fetch && git pull --rebase origin master

Make changes to last commit:

git add .
git commit --amend

Create new local branch from current local branch:

git checkout -b localBranchName

Associate current local branch with remote master branch:

git branch -u origin/master

Put Tag

git fetch && git pull --rebase
git log -1
git tag -a r-16.4-some -m 'R-16.4 Some' 66cb232
git show r-16.4-some
git push origin r-16.4-some

Release with Tag

# switch to master branch and refresh it, just in case
git checkout master
git fetch && git pull

# switch to release branch and refresh it
git checkout release
git fetch && git pull

# merge from master to release and push it
git merge master
git push origin release

# get merge commit id, put a tag with description on it and push it
git log -1
git tag -a r-16.2 -m 'R-16.2' 6a6e311
git show r-16.2
git push origin r-16.2

# switch to master branch, change target version and push it
git checkout master
vi logic.gradle
git commit -a -m '[MYPRO] logic.gradle: targetProductVersion: 16.2 -> 16.3'
git push origin master

Throw away local changes with reset to master branch:

git reset --hard origin/master

Throw away local changes with reset to specific commit:

git reset --hard 5d6524030a69

Merge example:

git merge origin/master --no-ff
git commit --amend

Merge conflicts resolution:

git pull --rebase
git mergetool
git rebase --continue

Change specific commit:

git rebase --interactive 9bc24^
# choose commit and replace "pick" with "edit" and then Save
git add .
git commit --amend --no-edit
git rebase --continue



git clone git@git:myproject
cd myproject
scp -p -P 29418 bob@git:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/

Checkout to submitted parent commit:

git checkout `wget -O- http://gerrit/changes/CHANGE_ID/submitted_together?o=NON_VISIBLE_CHANGES |
    grep "current_revision" | tail -1 | awk -F\" '{print $4}'`^

Push changes:

git push ssh://bob@git:29418/myproject HEAD:refs/for/master

Change non-subbmitted commit:

git fetch http://gerrit/myproject refs/changes/19/8719/2 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git checkout -b temp
git fetch origin master
git rebase origin/master
git push ssh://bob@git:29418/myproject HEAD:refs/for/master

Force push to own repository:

git push git@git:bob HEAD:master --force

Create new branch:

git push ssh://bob@git:29418/myproject HEAD:develop


git config --global "John Smith"
git config --global

git config --global core.longpaths true

git config --global mergetool.keepBackup false