"zip" command examples
Archive all files and directories recursively starting from the current directory using the highest compress level:
zip -r -9 archive.zip *
List of files in archive:
unzip -l archive.zip
List of particular files in archive:
unzip -l archive.zip chickchirik/readme.txt
Show to stdout the contents of a particular file in archive:
unzip -c archive.zip chickchirik/readme.txt
Extract files that match the specified mask to the specified directory:
unzip archive.zip *some*Test* -d dest_dir
Create archive with current date/time in its name:
zip -r "backup-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`.zip" *
Delete files from archive:
zip -d archive.zip logs/*
Unzip all archives at once (option 1):
unzip '*.zip'
Unzip all archives at once (option 2):
for z in *.zip; do unzip $z; done
zip with password:
zip --encrypt docs.zip *.doc